
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 9 of 21

Town day.
And only one photo to share.

A delicious Spinach Omelette for breakfast,
complete with ricotta spread Rye toast accompaniment.

I packed my mountain bread wrap, shaved turkey, snow pea sprouts and cranberry sauce and took it with me to town.

No photos unfortunately.
But delicious.

Dinner was to be Prosciutto wrapped Lamb with Roasted Kipflers, which I've no doubt would have been delightful, but returning home late to the smell of Roast Beef already cooking in the oven, I opted for Roast Beef and Green Veges.

Again, no photos.

A good day.  No walking, other than the thirteen kilometres throughout various shopping centres in search of black and white accessories for children attending this weekend's 'Black & White Ball'.

Day 9, done and dusted!
Nine down, twelve to go.


  1. That berry delicious berry drink looks berry pretty! Great weight loss, keep it up. Thirteen kilometers hey? Did you actually find what you were looking for? Looking forward to seeing photos of the b&w ball; great colours to work with.

  2. I feel your pain - after hiking unsuccessfully in search of something (I've forgotten what) last time I was in the city, I'm pretty much convinced that internet shopping is the only way to go!

    is it me, or is the menu getting better as you get further in? today sounded rather yummy as well!

  3. Hey Fiona, loving the diet so far.
    Have subbed a few things too.
    Sometimes you gotta do, what you gotta do.
    I am planning on buying the book for my girlfriend today, as she is feeling quite lost weightloss wise.
    This should be a fabulous kick start for her.
    It is so great & doesn't taste like diet food, but the weight comes off, brilliant.
    Missing a wine whilst cooking dinner though.
    Oh well like you say its only 21 days.

