
Thursday, March 17, 2011

Day 4 of 21

Well I'm not sure if I'm finally adjusting to eating less or my stomach is actually finally digesting itself.
Either way, not so hungry today.

Breakfast was a simple home-made muesli with dried cranberries and fresh blueberries.

(crap photo - what's up with my camera)?

And considering it seemed such a pitifully small serve, I was amazed to make it through to smoko time without the dreaded hunger overtaking me.
Unable to face the prescribed carrot with my morning coffee I opted for two corn thins.
(What a blow-out!)

Lunch was a beautiful salad. 

Orange-roasted Kumara and Tuna Salad with Rocket.
Really flavoursome. 
I would never have thought to put orange with tuna. 
It was beautiful with an orange juice and soy sauce dressing.

Dinner was supposed to be Warm Tandoori Chicken Salad.
I substituted Cajun Spice for the Tandoori Powder (didn't have any) and it was lovely.
I'm having trouble with my camera and light settings, so again a terrible photo.

I drank my two litres of water and most amazingly walked for forty-five minutes.
Possibly not so much walking, as squelching and slogging my way around a wet, slippey, muddy paddock.  Made it home with mud flicked from heel to hip!
Lovin' this lifestyle!

Day 4, done and dusted!
Four down, seventeen to go.


  1. Hey, I got the book today & will start properly on Saturday after the food shop.
    Tomorrow I will try to follow any recipes with what I have on hand.
    Apparently the man of the house is not too impressed with our "naughty" border collie & if she doesn't learn to socialize she's off to a "farm". Bless.
    So tomorrow brings with it daily walks, one on one, with Storm instead of walking them together.
    Double walks.
    So hopefully I will get that 30 mins in everyday.
    So good I have you a couple of days ahead to look to. Good luck for tomorrow.

  2. Well at least you're not feeling as hungry in between meals now, that's good. Is the preparation taking more time than your 'regular' meals?

  3. wow, Fiona, do you think you will continue this afterwards? the portion sizes look small...and its hard to get away from BEEF when we are beef producers isn't it!

    I am finally starting to settle into the WW points groove, after having two bad days to start off with (cooler days - don't help!)although have stuck with the normal family meals at night - just less of for me - husband and kids need a good feed!

    which leads to my question: do the rest of the family have the same night meal? just with more of? and love the look of that salad, although I think I would use chicken as am NOT (ie can't stand even the smell) a tuna fan...

    (and so pleased someone else also is starving by smoko!)
