
Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 1 of 21

With the first of the 'wonder days' behind me, I am hopeful for less hunger pangs in the days ahead.
Our usual breakfast menu consists of either bacon & eggs, sausages & eggs, scrambled eggs, steak & eggs or some other cooked fare.  This morning's Triple Melon Delight with accompanying yoghurt, whilst being delightful, had been digested well before morning tea.

...which was a small capsicum!

Lunch consisted of shredded grilled chicken breast drizzled with a dijon-mustard infused yoghurt dressing and salad wrapped in rye.  Very nice.

And dinner was the definite winner of the day.
Lamb cutlets smeared with an Indian curry powder, grilled and served over a baked kumara/chick pea/green pea bed, with a drizzle of yoghurt/coconut milk/garlic sauce.

Unfortunately I wasn't able to walk due to rain and I didn't drink a full two litres of water.

Day1, done and dusted.
One down, twenty to go!


  1. Good on you. I must say it all looks delicious, especially dinner. Looking forward to seeing what's on the menu for the rest of the week.

  2. You are inspiring go girl!


  3. Just gotta gett he book now :)

  4. Jeepers I would be starving by lunch. Like killer hungry, come near me & die sorta hungry, but I am comitted to doing it.
    I am popping up to get the book today.
    Gee I wonder if I can lose 5 kgs in 21 days.
    That would be thrilling to say the least.
