
Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 5 of 21

I've been asked a number of times how this 'wonder diet' is fitting into normal 'family feeding'.
To be blunt, it isn't. 
Most of the 'wonder meals' really don't appeal to my crew, a little too much chilli, coriander, garlic and couscous! So for these twenty-one days it's two separate meals on the go.  I tell myself it's only twenty-one days.  And thankfully wet weather has kept Matthew close to home and he's been a great help with the dinner cooking.

I fit in a walk again this afternoon, more squelching and slipping but a walk all the same.  With rain predicted again for us over the weekend my exercise program may be somewhat hindered yet again.

Breakfast today was a hearty serve of corn fritters.

Very nice.
No hunger pangs after these beauties, so a plum for morning tea worked well.
Lunch was an asparagus frittata

served with a rocket & capers salad.

And dinner was possibly my favourite for the week

Linguine Marinara.

No hunger today.  Feeling good.

Sending a huge cheerio to my good friend Niki who has today boarded the 'Wonder-Train'.
Here's to us!

Day 5, done and dusted!
Five down, sixteen to go.


  1. now today's menu looked rather delicious - and more gold stars to you for cooking two meals at each meal time!

    oh please send me some rain...its just teasing up here - again we are in the middle, the nice and sunny middle...

  2. Keep going, you're doing great. The days are flying (well they are in my world!).

  3. Thanks so much Fiona, I am looking forward to it & I am thrilled you are ahead so I can follow your lead. My ingredients all arrived at 8am this morning via Coles Online. Yay. So yesterday I just picked a brekky, lunch & dinner from the book that I had on hand, so it was a smoothie, egg muffin & the fish pilaf, well sorta. I was bloody starving by the days end.
    This morning was the melon medley & yoghurt, yeah that is gonna be hard going till lunch.
    Ok I am focussed though.
    And I think I may have to do 2 meals too.
    I might do a big cook today to free me up during the week. So they'll be eating lasagne, spag bol & chicken casserole while I eat cous cous & salad. Ha. That's Harsh.
