
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day 13 of 21

A little sidetracked last night with a most important social function in our small local town.
I therefore missed dinner from my wonder-plan, and indulged in a few drinks and some rather naughty canapes.
Breakfast and lunch did however meet requirements.
Breakfast was flat mushrooms with a dollop of a ricotta cheese mixture.

Beautiful for this mushroom fan.

Lunch was a pumpkin, corn and chicken curry with brown rice.
I did divert somewhat from the recipe, using a lovely red curry paste for the base.


And so I'm feeling a little deflated that I had a few drinks, but I always knew this would happen.

Back into Day 14 with a vengence.
People are actually commenting on my weight loss now
... which is nice!

Day 13, done and dusted!
Thirteen down, eight to go!

1 comment:

  1. so, you know we are going to ask to see the family all dolled up for the Show Ball! but glad you tried to stay on the straight and narrow - you needed a reward for all of your hard work!
