
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day 11 of 21

Over the half way point.
Broke my rule of only weighing once weekly and snuck a peek at the scales this morning.
Down over a kilo just this week.
Good stuff.

Today was probably the most disappointing with regards to the food on offer.
The menu looked good, but didn't taste so great.

Breakfast was a Watermelon & Berry Salad,
with added yoghurt and mint.

I noticed later, the recipe included cranberry juice,
which I omitted.
Don't know that it would have made much difference.
I'm just not a fruit lover to be honest.

I was looking forward to lunch,

a Chicken Waldorf Salad,
but was quite disappointed with it.

And dinner was Beef Rissoles with Beetroot Salad.

Very dry rissoles, as informed by my young dietary advisers.

Tomorrow's menu looks good.
Remaining optimistic.

Day 11, done and dusted!
Eleven down, ten to go.

1 comment:

  1. I have to commend your committment - this is taking some serious kitchen time (seeing as you are mostly cooking two meals!) but I know you love cooking so I guess its fun!

    that breakfast? looks more like a healthy dessert to me - I can't face fruit at breakfast time! I like my carbs and coffee!
