
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 6 of 21

Today didn't go exactly to plan.
Nothing too drastic, but only two photos to share.
Breakfast was an egg and tomato muffin.

The girls and I then headed into our local hall to start setting up for next week's Show Ball.  We only took smoko with us, thinking we'd be home in plenty of time for lunch.

We got home at 5.

One of the other ladies who'd come from town pulled out an esky overbrimming with goodies and served up a lunch fit for a king.

Not the zucchini, ham and ricotta wrap I should have had.

By this evening I would have traded one of my children for a cold beer...
but I didn't.
Had a soda water and lime instead, and managed to keep my family intact.

Dinner was meant to be Stirfried Sesame Beef.  Because I had chicken leftover in the fridge I substituted it for the beef

and enjoyed with a couscous side.

Very good.
No walk, possibly not enough water.

One more day to first weigh-in!

Day 6, done and dusted!
Six down, fifteen to go.

1 comment:

  1. I love sesame beef and/or chicken. Tonight we're having Roast Millie, oops I mean Roast Pork. Do you "feel" like you've lost weight, regardless of what the weigh-in might say?
