
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 16 of 21

I tend to be swapping and changing my daily menu a little to suit my mood.

I replaced this morning's Banana & Passionfruit Smoothie

Bran & Cranberry Muesli.
It's a really enjoyable breakfast, Wallace had the same.
It's not only nice to eat, but keeps you satisfied right through until lunch.
They suggest in the book that you can use this muesli as a 'go-to' breakfast
if you don't feel like the recommended meal.
I think I'll have it again tomorrow.

I went to town today for supplies.
I did have the Caesar Salad as per plan
but don't have a photo.
It was good.  And a large serve.

Dinner was a real treat.

Moussaka Stack with Lemon-Yoghurt Dressing.
Absolutely delicious.

No walking.
I'd really been enjoying the walking, but wet weather continues
to make it just too sloppy to be worthwhile.
I've no doubt there'll be plenty of dry days ahead of us.
I'll catch up then.

Day 16, done and dusted!
Sixteen down, five to go.

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