
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 7 of 21

Yet another day that didn't go quite to 'plan'.
Weekends are quite possibly going to follow this pattern, as we rarely stay put.

The day started beautifully with delicious warm date muffins.

The recipe was to make two, but I actually ended up with three, so ate one and a half.
Bagging up the remainder to go in the freezer for another day, Wallace thought he'd have a try at them.
No need to find freezer room.

We then headed to Chabo to draft bulls.
After 60 mil of rain last night, this was a stupid idea at best.
The incidental exercise skyrocketed, with a Nissan wagon bogged to the belly-plate some two or three kilometres from the nearest phone reception.

Making it back to town late, I enjoyed a rissole and salad courtesy of Nanny, not the planned Day 7 lunch of warm vegetable salad.

Dinner was to be a pork cutlet with side salad and chickpea puree.
I substituted green veges for the salad.

The chickpea puree with added fennel was amazing.

So, with tomorrow's weigh-in looming, no Mare I actually don't feel like I've lost weight, but I haven't really put a foot wrong, so expect I should have.
I think one week is a little too soon to be feeling supermodel-ready!

I'll put a quick report up in the morning after weigh-in!

Day 7, done and dusted!
Seven down, fourteen to go.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be lazy and comment here instead of "up there" - congratulations on the weight loss! (but really, with all of the "incidental" excercise! and the smaller portions AND different menu, I would have been surprised if you didn't!)

    those date muffins do look yummy..I'm a sucker for anything date!

    there will be nothing left of you at the end of the 21 days!
