
Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 23 of 21

Back on the wagon today.
A really enjoyable day of food, and with the sun finally shining in these parts managed to fit in a walk this afternoon as well.
Yesterday didn't quite go to plan with a town trip involved.

Breakfast today was an Egg & Bacon Pie
made by placing chopped bacon in a muffin tray
with an egg cracked on top
then baked in the oven for about 20 minutes.
Eaten on toast with chopped tomato on top
it was beautiful.

Something I'll make again for the kids.
Another very similar suggestion I've seen before is bread (crusts removed), pushed into the muffin tins to make a casing, then the chopped bacon & raw egg added and again baked.
The resulting bacon & egg pies are already made in a toast crust.

Lunch was delicious.

Chicken & Pumpkin Tortilla.

And dinner was a Honey Lemon Prawn Stir-Fry

A huge serve that I could barely get through.

Feels good to be back on track.
Here's to a good week.

Monday, April 4, 2011

21 Days Finished

With my 21 days at an end, I have to admit to sliding off the rails the past few days.
I am willing to blame the fact that we were without oven and cooktop for those days and found cooking two family meals in one old electric frying pan was more than I could handle.

This morning's weigh-in has me at exactly the same as last week,
so I'm prepared to call it maintenance.

I  have gone through my Wonder book and selected seven days to follow for this week.
I am determined to reach 60 kg.

Let's do it!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 19 of 21

Okay, so I'm not following the plan.
I'm going to re-do Week 3 next week.

Still eating healthily,
but haven't been able to walk at all due to weather.
We're installing our new oven today,
which should make cooking separate meals
so much easier.

Today I had the Muesli for breakfast,
2 Corn Thins for Morning Tea,
Small piece of leftover steak & salad for lunch
Steak and Salad for tea
(and maybe two beers).
I was out, it was expected.

Day 19, done and dusted!
Nineteen down, two to go.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 18 of 21

I seem to have had a derailment from my 21 Day Plan.
Not so much in terms of eating badly,
just not following the book.

And the main reason being,
that we pulled out our oven and cooktop
two days ago,
meaning our only means of cooking at the moment
is the barbecue and an old electric frying pan.

So, I think I'm going to try for another seven days straight
from the book next week.

Should have my new oven in place over this weekend.

So Day 18 consisted of:
A small piece of steak for breakfast.
Half a ham sandwich for morning tea at school (cross country).
Lunch was a Breakfast Bean recipe from the book
(good warm food for a cool, drizzly day).
And dinner was steak and salad.

Day 18, done and dusted!
Eighteen down, three to go.